
How is property insured?

Property insurance against all risks – Insurance House
The property all-risk insurance policy provides broader coverage than fire and related risks insurance, and this policy can also be designed with benefits tailored to the client’s profession, requirements and business needs. The following supplements (insurance benefits) are available under a property all risks insurance policy: Loss of Profit/Business Interruption

What does property insurance include?

Property insurance is recommended for all establishments regardless of size. The insured protects his property, such as industrial units, offices, hotels, shops, residences, facilities, and stores, against accidents, natural disasters, or fires.

What is housing insurance?

Home insurance is your gateway to comfortable life – TMGT
Home insurance is a type of insurance that provides coverage for damage or loss to your home and its contents. It protects you from a wide range of risks such as burglary, fire, natural disasters and other unexpected events.

How does insurance work?

The insured will obtain a contract, an insurance policy, that includes the conditions under which he will receive compensation, and in the event that he is exposed to any accident or loss, he will submit a claim to the insurance company, so that the compensation officer will evaluate the value of the losses and ensure that they are included in the insurance policy, and after verifying the The insurance company pays the value of the claim

What is the purpose of insurance?

Insurance or the insurance or guarantee system is a means of confronting the risks to which a person is exposed to his entity or property during his life in order to mitigate their impact.

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